Infertility Causes and Treatment
There are many causes of infertility for both men and women and during our initial consultation, we will discuss the range of them.
Perhaps surprising to many women, male infertility is not rare. It can be due to numerous factors that can have a negative impact on the sperm. The most common test for men is a semen analysis.
Infertility evaluation for women is more involved, with more testing and more steps in the process. Each of these tests will be discussed in detail during your consultation.
Infertility treatments for men and women differ. Once a diagnosis is made, the treatment for the couple can be myriad, including artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization or even gamete intrafallopian tube transfer, popularly abbreviated as GIFT. There is also zygotic intrafallopian transfer, which is abbreviated ZIFT.
We provide counseling and evaluation for women presenting with infertility and often can provide simple solutions. For more advanced treatments, including those discussed above, you will be referred to an infertility specialist.